June 10, 2021 Meet General Don Bolduc, the man who will beat Maggie Hassan – June 10 Dessert With Friends

Click here to RSVP

Save the date! Dessert with Friends Thursday, June 10, meet the guy who will defeat Maggie Hassan and learn about the Convention of States.

June 10’s meeting is especially important as not only will we have fantastic speakers but we will hold our annual election for Board of Directors.

If you’d like to serve on our Board, please send a note to our Secretary to be placed on the ballot.

General Don Bolduc

Retired Brig. General Don Bolduc will be our featured speaker for our June 10 Dessert with Friends event. Don grew up on the family farm in Laconia NH and later served as Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force commander from 2010 to 2011 and Commander of the Combined Joint Special Operations Component in Afghanistan from 2012 to 2013 where he started the “Village Stability Operations” program.

Don believes DC is broken and just isn’t getting the job done for New Hampshire. He says he won’t let special interests or partisan politics get in the way of his new mission; Serving as your United States Senator, replacing Democrat Maggie Hassan.


In addition, Eric Strapp from the Convention of States

Convention of States is an initiative that calls for an Article V Convention of States to make proposals that “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.” Once two-thirds (34) of the states pass our resolution, the convention will be called.

Eric Strapp, New Hampshire’s district Captain for the Convention of States will speak briefly on our status..


Dessert With Friends is a monthly gathering of like-minded conservative Americans who stand for liberty and the Constitution. We serve coffee, decaf, soda, cookies, cakes at the Ashland American Legion **.

If all politics are local, you can’t get any more local than this! Have your questions ready, leave better-informed than when you arrived. PARC is working hard to Keep New Hampshire Great and continues our string of interesting and relevant speakers.

Speakers will begin at 7.00 PM and we’ll finish up by 8.00 PM, but come early to register, chat, and network with old friends and other like-minded people.

PARC Members: $5.00 Non Member: $10.00*** Space is limited so please RSVP!

You can become a member either on our website and save $5.00 by clicking the button below, or print out the member application HERE and bring it with you.

Click here to become a member and save $5.00

PARC members can submit questions to the speakers before the meeting so click the button above to join now.

Plymouth Area Republicans

Election Information:

The PARC Board elections will be held Full PARC members will receive a paper ballot at the sign-in desk. We will tally the results and announce results.

Nominees are those currently serving, nominees from the floor and those who expressed interest by writing to our Secretary.

Here are just some benefits members receive:

  • Full access to our website, including a discussion forum where you can voice your opinion on various topics and have access to exclusive members-only content.
  • Discounts to our events.
  • Meet & Greet NH legislators and other people of interest
  • Comment on, prioritize, and develop legislative initiatives
  • Join with like-minded people
  • Help finance conservative candidates

Thanks, we look forward to seeing you for some lively discusstion and eating some great dessert!

Thank you,

Your PARC Board of Directors

Click here to RSVP

* PARC is the new name for the Pemi-Baker Valley Republican Committee (PBVRC).

** Click here for Directions to the American Legion (With respect to social distancing the Ashland Legion has reduced the total capacity of their facility to facilitate social distancing. Masks are optional.)

*** An admission fee goes toward the cost of your delicious dessert!

May 13, 2021 meeting. Pam Tucker will speak on the state of the GOP in NH

Last month’s session with Commissioner of Education, Mr. Frank Edelblut was almost a sell-out. We are gaining momemtum with every meeting. Don’t be shut out to hear about the future of the GOP in New Hampshire.

For our event THIS THURSDAY, May 13 we’re lucky to have TWO speakers!

Our main speaker for this Dessert With Friends event will be Ms. Pam Tucker, the current Vice Chair of the NH Republican Party.

Pam Tucker

Pam will speak to the current state of the NHGOP, its vision for 2022 and the plan to get more conservatives elected. Pam is an activist involved in identifying and recruiting future leaders for New Hampshire. One of Pam’s greatest passions is identifying and developing women to become leaders of change for the future.


In addition, State Rep Mark Alliegro, of Campton.

Mark Alliegro

Mark Alliegro will update us on how the NH House is reacting to Critical Race Theory. Mark’s committee held hearings on HB 544 and has first-hand knowledge. (That’s the bill addressing CRT teaching in our schools, workplaces).


Dessert With Friends is a monthly gathering of like-minded conservative Americans who stand for liberty and the Constitution. We serve coffee, decaf, soda, cookies, cakes at the Ashland American Legion **.

If all politics are local, you can’t get any more local than this! Have your questions ready, leave better-informed than when you arrived. PARC is working hard to Keep New Hampshire Great and continues our string of interesting and relevant speakers.

Speakers will begin at 7.00 PM and we’ll finish up by 8.00 PM, but come early to register, chat, and network with old friends and other like-minded people.

PARC Members: $5.00 Non Member: $10.00*** Space is limited so please RSVP!

You can become a member either on our website and save $5.00 by clicking the button below, or print out the member application HERE and bring it with you.

Click here to become a member and save $5.00

** Directions to the American Legion

*** An admission fee goes toward the cost of your delicious dessert!


Copyright (C) 2021 PARC. All rights reserved.



April 8 2021 meeting. Frank Edelblut will speak on the state of education in NH

Nearly 50 people attended our first Dessert With Friends last week and we’re pleased to follow it up with an other fantastic session.  Our speaker will be Frank Edelblut, the New Hampshire Commissioner of Education.  If you want to know what’s going on in your schools, this is a can’t miss event.  The progressives are trying hard to rewrite history and are placing unorthodox and unAmerican curriculums in our schools.

The Plymouth Area Republican Committee (PARC) is working hard to build our organization and to help Keep New Hampshire Great.  We invite you to our next Dessert With Friends – coffee, decaf, soda, cookies, cakes – on Thursday, March 18 at the Ashland American Legion. (According to the facility policy, masks are optional.)Frank Edelblut

Frank will speak from 7.00 to 8.00 but come early to register and networking.

PARC Members: $5.00 Non Member: $10.00  Space is limited so RSVP to se*******@pl*********************.org asap.  You can join by clicking on the “Become a Member” link above.

Here are just some benefits members receive:

  • Full access to our website, including a discussion forum where you can voice your opinion on various topics and have access to exclusive members-only content.
  • Discounts to our events.
  • Meet & Greet NH legislators and other people of interest
  • Comment on, prioritize, and develop legislative initiatives
  • Join with like-minded people
  • Help finance conservative candidates

Thanks, we look forward to seeing you at all our meetings!

Dave Rivers, PARC Chair

Questions?  Send a note to se*******@pl*********************.org