Care about our schools and the country’s future? Don’t miss this important presentation.
In our January 13, 2022 Dessert with Friends at the Ashland American Legion, Mr. Eric Pauer, Vice President of the School District Governance Association (SDGA) will deliver an overview of how parents and other interested citizens can ensure elected school officials are performing their proper duties. He will also discuss School Board best practices and present the SDGA’s model for school district policies.
Eric will also review some current legislation that enhances local control in education and openness in administration.
Mr. Pauer represented Brookline NH on the Hollis-Brookline-Cooperative-School-Board from 2014 to 2017, including as secretary from 2015 to 2016. As a fiscal conservative, Eric spearheaded the successful citizen efforts to adopt official balloting system (SB2) for the Brookline School District (2016), to adopt a tax cap for the Brookline School District (2018), and to require tax impacts to be listed in future Brookline School District warrants (2021).
Eric has worked in engineering and systems architecture for a number of different companies for over 32 years in defense and medical electronics. He also served part-time for 30 years in the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve as a Civil Engineer, State Director of Logistics/Engineering, and Senior Emergency Manager, retiring as a Colonel in 2018. He has two adult children with his wife Diane, who is currently a NH State Representative for Brookline/Mason (R-Hillsborough District 26).